What Are They?

  • Subconscious Maintenance

    This is such an exciting part of this membership - in here you will will have access to a library of hypnosis recordings designed to help you process, rewire and overcome any daily issues that arise but to also path fantastic neural pathways for subconscious maintenance.

  • What Can I Use These For?

    Having a bad body image day? Feeling stressed? Facing Blocks? Needing a confidence boost? Or even just feeling triggered and not sure why?Whatever it is, we've got you!

  • Why Are They Different?

    Unlike most hypnosis recordings, these Hypnosis Integrations don't just feed positive suggestions in your mind - they actually allow you to understand, process and overcome any blocks. To put simply, they are not a bandaid for your struggles - they are a solution.



  • How are the Hypnosis Integrations different from the 'Break the Limiting Beliefs' Process?

    The 'Break and Overcome Limiting Beliefs' process has been designed for you to thoroughly work through issues that are coming up for you - it is essentially what I do with my 1:1 clients broken up into different sections for you to work through at your own pace. The Hypnosis Integrations are the 'holy moly I'm having a bad body image day' or the 'geez I'm feeling stressed right now' hypnosis recordings to help you process how you're feeling and overcome it pretty darn quickly to be able to get on with your day!

  • Will I be able to get into hypnosis?

    Absolutely! Unlike hypnosis stage shows, this form of hypnosis is really just a very relaxed state (a deep meditation if you will) and a heightened level of concentration. For safety, it is important you do these hypnosis recordings in a safe environment and not anywhere your concentration is needed for safety ie. driving.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    How To Hypno

    • How to get into hypnosis

  • 2

    Hypnosis Recordings

    • What are Hypnosis Integrations?

    • Bad Body Image Day

    • Anxious Mind

    • Stressed Outta My Mind

    • Confidence Boost

    • Feeling Triggered?

    • Manifestation Station

    • Connecting to Your True Self

    • Attracting Healthy Relationships (and breaking old patterns!)

    • Show Me The Money (use this when you're facing money blocks)

    • Calm Your Nervous System